Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Enhancing IR Filters

My first blog entry, let's see how this will go on.
I will present a short mockup how creating multiple filters without report refresh and enhancing filter creation to utilize more logical operators could work.
If you want to check out the requested features look for row-keys ADT2 & AB66 in the Oracle APEX Feature Request Application.

1.)    Start with empty filter

2.)    Untick Auto-Apply changes

3.)    Create filters

Options to delete, reorder and group filters are now available including the possibility to change the logical operator.

4.)    Group first two filters by clicking on arrow pointing to the right between them.

The operator and moving arrow indents to visualize the grouping.

5.)    Click on lower operator and select new operator.

Finally the filters are set as desired and apply triggers the report to refresh.

6.) Resulting SQL
  FROM ...
 WHERE ( a14.crg_code = 'OTHER' AND a13.region_code = 'RASO' )
    OR a11.country_id = 19;