Monday, July 28, 2014

Speaking at DOAG 2014

For the first time I did apply to be a speaker at DOAG 2014.
Luckily my presentation has been selected so I get the honor to present at this amazing conference.
Are you interested in a brief overview what I will talk about?
Currently I have two APEX and OOXML (Open Office XML) projects which are finished or near to be finished.


The first project uses the really nice XLSX Builder Package created by Anton Scheffer which makes it easy to create Excel OOXML (XLSX) files using a SQL Query or PL/SQL calls.
I made some enhancements and build an additional package on top of it which takes the information from an Interactive Report and creates a spreadsheet representation of it.
Currently supported is only the "Report View" but there are plans to also support "Group By View" in a later release.

How to Use

The package has one main function which just needs the Region ID of the Interactive Report.
This function returns a record with the generated file and additional attributes you might need when offering the file for download.

You can get more information on GitHub where I store the source code.
ZIP Archive of package and dependencies can be downloaded from Demo Application.

PPTX Slide-Deck Generation

The second one is about creating PowerPoint slide-decks based on a template file.
I based my work on a package called OOXML_UTIL_PKG written by Morten Braten.
The package already allows to replace substitution patterns int XLSX, DOCX and PPTX files and many other things also, take a look at above link to learn more.
This time I didn't build a wrapper but used the ideas and build a package just to deal with PowerPoint files but enhancing the pattern replace to create multiple slides if more than one row of replacement strings is handed to the main function.

How to Use

You create your file with one slide using PowerPoint and replace the content you want dynamic with substitution strings. (e.g. #EMPNO#)
Afterwards you upload the template file as a BLOB into the database.
To generate the slide-deck just call the main function handing in the BLOB holding your template, a 1-dimensional array with your patterns and a two-dimensional array with the values replacing the patterns.

The source code is also stored on GitHub and ZIP archive available in Demo Application.

Can I see a demo?

If you haven't seen the hints above here it is again. :-)
Just head over to my Demo Application to see the packages in action and download ZIP archives for installation.

Demo Application Online

Finally my own demo application is online.
It will always be work-in-progress as I will be adding various features as they evolve.

At the moment it serves as a showcase for

  • Creating XLSX files from Interactive Report.
  • Generate PowerPoint slide-decks from a template slide.
  • Code-Highlighting using CodeMirror.
The demo application is hosted at, click here to open it.

My next post provides some details.