Wednesday, November 12, 2014

APEX IR XLSX Downloader V1.2.1

Well, just three days ago I published release 1.2.0.
In the meantime I've been working on updating the README to give you all a better start.

This time there are no bugfixes included as it's only documentation.

Documentation Changes

  • Added list of features
  • Added current limitations
  • Updated "How to Use" section
As always the source code can be found on GitHub.
ZIP files for all my GitHub projects can now be found on my GitHub Page.
For a small demo visit my Demo Application on


  1. Does you plugin have the ability to allow a conditional header and footer to be added to each worksheet it creates? I have a need to export Interactive Reports to an Excel 207/2010 file format, but I need to be able to added a header row with some information and also a footer with the same information.

    Thank you,

    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

    1. Hi Tony,
      currently that is not possible.
      However I think that might be an interesting addition.
      Can you share more details, maybe a screenshot?
      I'll add that to my enhancement list.


  2. Can't really post a screen shot due to the nature of the work, but I can say this: What I do currently is use a package from Anton Scheffer and have modified it to do the following:

    It normally takes a query and runs it and builds an xlsx file, I first build the header row, insert it into the xlsx document, then have it do its normal processing to append data to the above xlsx document and when that is complete, it appends a footer with the same info as the header.

    I also modified it to get the current active query for the interactive report, without it doing the annoying habit of taking aggregate rows and making new columns in the query out of them....

    Do you use the provided method from Oracle to get the active ir query? If so, be aware of this "feature"

    Thank you,

    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

    1. My work is based on Anton's package also, and yes I use apex_ir.get_report to get the current IR query.
      My post-processing handles those extra columns and uses them actually to provide aggregate rows if enabled.
      I will be on a conference next week with very little time to work on my plugin, but having the option to add a custom header and footer seems like a reasonable extension.

